Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my. Greetings you space bums.
I miss the passion and trolling in these forums, one of the greatest sources of entertainment back when I played regularly. It's a really sad and monumental loss that we could never recover the old forum archives, there were some really nice gems buried in there.

Speaking of passion...Detector I envy the passion you had about dueling, but you were years too late bro. There was nobody left to give a flying fuck about anything duel-related, beyond a few players. Sure it was fun to watch a few noteworthy names or anyone above average-skill duel each other (probably because it was so fucking rare to see), but the drive to duel, or be the best, or win the most, or whatever you want to call it left almost every single player I could think of. I know mypassion about it died waaaaaaay before I ended up on RH and my skill automatically went downhill with it in the duelbox, as my attention went towards practising for league.
So, with that being said, your accomplishment of being the #1 rated player in DTs comes with a grain of salt. While it's something to be proud of, as I'm sure you put honest effort into achieving it, it's already been mentioned by temb that with a lot of time anyone can achieve that because it just rates you by amount of wins. If other stats were to be thrown in there, say, like how many times you win vs certain people, or how many DTs you win when x y z players participate, etc etc, then you could start feeling good about the #1 spot. But until then it's just like WoW, with enough time everyone can get epic.
Since it's been a recurring theme, I'll post my 'top8' duelers list with as little ego as I can muster.

This is primarily based off of duelers I've watch vs other top form players, and/or duelers I've faced at my peak or near it. Obviously, there are going to be names missing from here that probably should end up in the last two slots, but I don't have recollection of them anymore or probably never faced them in their prime.
In no particular order:
kemi and Xiver might belong on there, but I don't think I've ever watched them duel properly. List is gonna be subjective for everyone after all.

One final note regarding top players, duelers, ego, dick stroking, etc... I had a really big ego when I used to duel constantly and hated to lose and thought nothing except about how to destroy my opponents, give no quarter, no mercy, be better, etc. So, now that I don't have that anymore, I can safely say without any ego that the last great, and best, dueler and player of the game, was Beastie. Having played with him constantly I knew the kind of competitive spirit he had, and how I'd never get back to that level again. It was a pleasure seeing a player that reminded me of my golden years of subspace and having had the honor of being in the same squad as him.
Stay frosty you drunken space hookers. Maybe I'll post again in another 6 years.
