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Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:40 am
by falconeer
Detector I'm smarter than you, so there is no way that would happen.

And your opinion on who should run zone doesn't exist anymore since you stopped playing it.

You are just mad I wouldn't talk to you on steam. Loser. gg

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:35 am
by Detector
Detector I'm smarter than you, so there is no way that would happen.

And your opinion on who should run zone doesn't exist anymore since you stopped playing it.

You are just mad I wouldn't talk to you on steam. Loser. gg
No wonder everyone stopped playing this zone, when someone as you will become part of DSB STAFF now. The most people on this forum stopped playing and are still part of this community, especially someone like Ssseth. In my opinion, my opinion will always exist here, for the amount of time I spent playing DSB, you have no idea for how much hours this is anyway, so be quiet child. There is no way ever I would have a loser as you on steam as a friend. I have for sure 3 times more hours spent playing DSB than you have and I have been on all forums regarding DSB except the very first one of DSBL 1-2. Try to act like a president, which you're not.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:45 am
by Tembest
Detector wrote:No wonder everyone stopped playing this zone, when someone as you will become part of DSB STAFF now.
And what on earth has made you think like this? The fact he keeps telling everyone he should be the one running the zone?

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:47 am
by Detector
And what on earth has made you think like this? The fact he keeps telling everyone he should be the one running the zone?
It's because you listen too much to him.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:29 pm
by Tembest
I guess some of us just have the ability to listen without being brain washed.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:02 am
by falconeer
I'm even making detector more active, clearly me being sysop would bring everyone back, whether they agree or not. Using reverse psychology i got detector to agree his opinion on dsb matters. Soon he will start trying to save the zone himself. mission successful.

You had me on steam for 1 year, but i was too busy to talk to a little kid who wanted me to play AVP with him and teach him the meaning of skill.

Ssseth doesn't play and opted out of voting for a new sysop and doesn't post any opinions on it either.

P.S You would need many hours in SS to reach my level.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:40 am
by Delic
Hmmm ok Falconeer can't be sysop. He's way too emotional, unpredictable and just generally unstable.

I think he could be a great dev'er though. He's like some evil little genius monster. If controlled correctly, his capture could be a productive marvel for zone development! But if given too much power, lord knows what would happen.

Just think of me as Frodo, the_snake as Sam, and Falconeer as Gollum. Together, we can destroy the ring and bring peace back... or something like that.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:22 am
by falconeer
I'm not overly emotional. Caring about things makes me more qualified to run the zone, not less. Don't mistake my great capacity for compassion as being uncontrollable emotion. I've been banned, netbanned, made fun of by whole communities. If I was emotional I would cry every day, and slit my wrists. Believe me when I say I have thick skin, more than anyone else. I learned when I was 5, Literally, not to care when people make fun of your family. If you have something to say about my family, you can tell them. They can defend themselves probably better than I could defend them. If words bothered me I would be more sensitive in my own use of words. Clearly I am brusque, harsh, and direct, and totally honest in my views. The only bothersome thing is the decade of stupidity that has been allowed to run rampant in this zone at the highest levels of staff. I think after six years of patiently waiting and asking for change, I have a right to shit on you all for sitting on your ass. This wasn't yesterday, or last week, or last month, or even last year that I've been saying the same things OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. It's been six years. Keep that context in mind the next time you accuse me of being "emotional" Whatever that means. Perhaps society is so unaccustomed to dealing with emotions, that any sign of a person having them is a bad thing because it makes you uncomfortable. Trust me when I say, its normal to have emotions. Also Delic keep in mind this is not the 1500's, or even further back in time, Rome, when women were secluded to the private sphere of life because they were deemed "too emotional" to lead or be apart of the public sphere. That type of logic left 50% of the world out of decision making. It was not only baseless in facts, it was also stupid to have a government that didn't listen to 50% of its population and denied them basic human rights such as the right to vote.

I'm also not a sysop so I'm under no obligations to be nice to people who are trolling or being jerks. And generally I will greet people with the same attitude they greet me. Tembest is usually nice so I'm usually nice back. The facts are I'd never ban anyone. After being banned so many times for virtually little to no reason I know how it feels. And there is definitely no need for such actions. If someone wants to troll let them troll. Detector has made some good points when he trolls these forums. And all input is welcome, hopefully people wake up and notice. As a sysop I'd actually thank people for pointing out any mistakes I was making in running the zone, I wouldn't condemn them. All that aside being trolled by me is a worse punishment than a ban. I've been trolling since 1997 on communities that were a hundreds times more harsh than this carebear land you call continuum.

I'm predictable. I told you my whole life story when I explained this project, even wrote a paragraph on tile counts. It's obvious that I am blatantly forthcoming and honest with whatever my plans are.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:35 am
by falconeer
But anyway the zone needs to wake up, so unpredictable isn't necessarily bad. I already said all new maps are to be themes, and tested for 3 days only. This has been standard zone policy for years. Nothing like that would change. If any drastic changes happened in DSB that the community didn't support the sysop would eventually be sysop no longer. There literally is nothing to fear. If anything I've been the only person around here to spark anger, interest, more forum posts, argyle to sign up, delic to come back after hiatus, entropy and liito to talk by e-mail. Beer and Fly to get on their game. If I was sysop all of this would be even more escalated. More would get done, more action would be in DSB. More players etc. Not to brag but, come on admit it, things were boring. Maybe my walls of text are annoying, but whatever. It's a trade off.

Re: The Future of DSB

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:43 am
by falconeer
But yeah that's a great analogy, the ring corrupted me, made me the gollum, also the guide, which will lead frodo and sam to destroy the ring! Can't wait to see the new Hobbit movie.