Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by Ssseth »

At this point, honestly arguing about who was right or wrong doesn't accomplish anything. Lets just enjoy what little time we have left.
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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by Beer Hunter »

Agreed with Seth, although I must say that DSB is always about trial and error, things do not go as you've planned them in your head. When planning a theme/league/whatever you think you have the idea of how people will behave, how they will play the concept you've created and how much popularity it gets. However that theory never gets you very close to the reality which could be that you're forced to pull the plug on the idea or alter it to suit the zone better or fix possible flaw which you or somebody else has found in your system.

One big problem with all the people developing for DSB is that they always seem to think their idea is the only possible thing in the world which will work, there's no chance to talk or discuss, possibly even give negative feedback without the developer getting extremely angry because his idea was not liked. It's not about that, it might be liked but you need to be able to view your work objectively and be able to listen to all sorts of feedback, they, or we, whoever you are getting it from are not giving it to you just to throw your idea away, they are giving it to make it work better from their point of view.

Same narrow minded and a bit limited view of things seems to posses about 80% of all the developers I've met over the years. All of them start their journey with the words: I know what is best for this zone.. and they all end up to: you screwed it up *insert insults*, I'm gone! Explaining or discussing the matter is hardly an option, it all seems pretty black and white when it comes down at the end.

I think I know what I'm talking about, I've had my ideas twisted and I've had to cancel several leagues and other sorts of cool things only because in reality they were not going to work. Learning from your mistakes or improving yourself by allowing others to help, give positive or negative feedback is very rewarding in the end. Don't always go running and crying when you stumble on something, instead discuss and move forward within the new boundaries, find out why this or that happened and try to fix it.

Rant over, feel free to be even more pissed if the words hurt you, if not, time to start learning. :lol:

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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by morikahn »

I wasn't pissed that my idea wasn't liked. It was that no one saw my idea. It was altered, no discussion, and put out live as if THAT was what I intended. Then I had to listen to people PM me for an hour about how the idea was broken and didn't work.

All I asked was a couple days to test out an an idea I'd spent an enormous amount of energy and time developing. When I wasn't granted that, why would I think anything else I tried would be handled any differently?

But this really is besides the point of my original topic.

My point was that after I left there was little done to the pub zone. Just the same old ideas rehashed and slightly altered. Nothing new. THAT is what irks me. The people in charge didn't really try and it died. It may have died regardless, but at least with a fight! I was never in charge so I don't feel accountable.

I just happened to be, at the time, the guy that cared the most and was putting the most energy into it.

Honestly, I'm not interested in discussing this anymore. I'm only popping back once in awhile to see if the Steamplay thing is gonna pan out and give this game a second chance.

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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by Tembest »

Welcome to real life folks.

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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by Ssseth »

It's not negative feedback, it's constructive criticism. ;)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

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Re: Popped by the pub arena and it was empty

Post by Detector »

This used to happen atleast 10 times to me before too, that the DSB pub arena was empty when I was thinking: "is this the end of DSB?"

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