DSB-AS3 - Development

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Fly Swatter
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

Tembest wrote:
Fly Swatter wrote:Ships can no longer receive items their not equipped for example: spider cant prize decoy or repel.
Ahh.. finally! I hate how you cannot know which specs the other player might have.

We can talk tweaks to the prize system after the test run. For the most part its tame, shields are gone, and you'll know a players energy/recharge level by their bounty. The other stuff is just for fun, I dont think any of us fears the guy with multi or shrap etc, if we know we can kill them.
Matioso wrote:Im kinda interested about that ticker game :P
The fifteen ticker game needs a proper scoring system, dings or no dings? Maybe we should revisit severs normalizing equation? I'll let you league/prac guys decide, if you can spell it out clearly.

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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by morikahn »

Is this the system you were working on several years ago Fly?

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Fly Swatter
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

morikahn wrote:Is this the system you were working on several years ago Fly?
Some elements came from previous work, but this project started from scratch on April, 1 of this year (April fools day).

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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

Prize/Upgrade updates:

?buy brick gives 2 bricks with a span of 3 tiles, that last for 10 seconds. AS3 has a built-in hack to cancel the drop, so when you try to brickwarp someone you lose your brick. Will need testing.

?turbo now has a "turbo starts on/off" setting thats permanently stored (for those who dont want to be bothered with it). Regardless of the start state, you can toggle turbo on/off with a macro.

Moved multi-fire to level 3 for both warbird and terrier.

Shrapnel, now dose damage on impact, in that first 1/4 second. The amount of shrap was reduced, and the spread pattern is random. Its sort of like a bomb upgrade this way. Will need fine tuned.


Considering dropping the bomb upgrades for Levi and Lanc, so not confused with regular blue bombs.

It would go like this:

L1 shrap
L2 None
L3 antiwarp (small radius)
L4 multi-fire

AS3 has a setting to block antiwarp on players in the nkz.

Considering moving Weasels bomb upgrade to L2 and giving None for L1, but None for L1 seems wrong. Ideally, Weasel would get emp bombs for L1, shrap for L2, and bounce applied for L3, but this requirers a hack. Weasels bombs are single bounce L1 red emp bombs (could be annoying).

Javs mines are L1 red regular bombs with double bounce when repelled.

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Fly Swatter
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

Prize revision:

Energy/Recharge is given out on the 7/14/21 kill, each of these gives 50+ energy and 100+ recharge.

?buy thor gives a thor.

?buy brick gives 2 bricks with a span of 3 tiles, that last for 10 seconds.

?turbo toggles turbo on/off if you have it.

?buy level


Thor and bricks cost 15 tokens, levels cost 25.

Being a member of a winning team earns you 10 tokens, and 10 tokens goes to the jackpot. Jackpot payouts are based on the number of games it takes to win.

There is a automatic player registration process at the start of every game to make pub games more official, but i removed all of it (for now) except for endgame/jackpot payouts (you can switch freqs, but you wont get payed).

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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

Previsions for low population (replaces inside spawns):


The jackpot will become available when freqs 0-1 have at least 2 players each (for now), and the warpboxs will stay open until its 4 vs 4.

Note: these are set at the start of each game. So, if the other team quits, the jackpot is still active for the remainder of the game.

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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Ssseth »

Neat stuff
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jim the chin
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by jim the chin »

The warpbox is much better than inside spawns.

As for prizes, should weasel really get bombs with its first upgrade?
X-radar is pretty useless in general, but as an upgrade for terrs/wbs what is the point? Only sharks/spids can get stealth with their final upgrade. I can see no reason for xradar to be worth getting.
How about getting rid of the "none" entries, with something... like extra shrap.
For that matter, what are the details of these upgrades. Are you shrapped to full? Is antiwarp free? Is xradar and stealth free? Or is there a drain. I would prefer them to be free, otherwise they'd be even less attractive to get.

If being on the winning team gets you 10 tokens, won't everyone try to switch to win? Surely you should have to be on the team a minimum time.
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Fly Swatter
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

jim the chin wrote:The warpbox is much better than inside spawns.

As for prizes, should weasel really get bombs with its first upgrade?
X-radar is pretty useless in general, but as an upgrade for terrs/wbs what is the point? Only sharks/spids can get stealth with their final upgrade. I can see no reason for xradar to be worth getting.
How about getting rid of the "none" entries, with something... like extra shrap.
For that matter, what are the details of these upgrades. Are you shrapped to full? Is antiwarp free? Is xradar and stealth free? Or is there a drain. I would prefer them to be free, otherwise they'd be even less attractive to get.

If being on the winning team gets you 10 tokens, won't everyone try to switch to win? Surely you should have to be on the team a minimum time.

Weasels bombs might get annoying like my earlier post suggests, I'm open to suggestions after the test run.

A ship from each freq needs access to xradar, terrs/wbs are like the scouts, and gun upgrade is the only option other then turning them into bombers, and gun upgrade isnt worth the extra energy that it cost to fire. I forgot to move multi-fire to L3 on that chart for warbird and terrier.

Shrap dose damage on impact now (levels needs live testing). Shrap damage level is based on bullet level. levi/lanc should probaly be the same as shark/spider, but with less shraplets.

Antiwarp, xradar, stealth ARE free of energy drain.
Fly Swatter wrote: There is a automatic player registration process at the start of every game to make pub games more official, but i removed all of it (for now) except for endgame/jackpot payouts (you can switch freqs, but you wont get payed).
I'll correct the chart and reup it.

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Fly Swatter
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Re: DSB-AS3 - Development

Post by Fly Swatter »

Warbird/Terrier gets gun upgrades now for L4, I put it on a toggle switch for those who dont want to use it. This works the same as the multifire starts on option in the clients option menu.

?turbo "info" for information.
?turbo "on" or ?turbo "off" - set this once and its permanently stored for those who dont want to be bothered with it. Until you set this option to on/off you'll see a message each time turbo is available to you: ?turbo available - see: ?turbo "info" for more information.

The same has been done for gun.

?gun "info" for information.
?gun "on" or ?gun "off" - set this once and its permanently stored for those who dont want to be bothered with it. Until you set this option to on/off you'll see a message each time gun upgrade is available to you: ?gun available - see: ?gun "info" for more information.

You simply use ?turbo or ?gun to toggle, or set the start state to what you want.

Added incremental shrap upgrades for levi/lanc same as spider/shark but with less shraplets (needs live tested/adjusted).


Anyway, its more about the gameplay then this prize system that im just now getting around to. The real focus is more linear gameplay, Rebels vs Empire, goal/objective concept(s). Im just trying to get some of these other things done/set and out of the way.

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