Yo yo yo... sup...

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Moderators: Beer Hunter, Tembest, Entr0py

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Ssseth »

The worst part is all the work he did do over the years is so quickly forgotten. No one is perfect.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

Seriel Killer
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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Seriel Killer »

His problems irl aside and all... he still sucked major balls as sysop.

jim the chin
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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by jim the chin »

His irl problems have absolutely nothing to do with this game. Are you saying I should excuse what he did in DSB because something unrelated happened to him in the real world? Yea, it's a shame that happens to anyone, but it doesn't and shouldn't change anyone's opinion of him in the slightest. Sympathy should never work that way.

Any work he did was more than cancelled out by announcing the zone would be closing down. Half the population gave up playing and it never recovered.
Please delete this account. I want nothing to do with this place any more.

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Tembest »

He helped destroy something he had helped create. I believe Hoch regrets some decisions
even if he would never admit it. He used to love this game more than most of us.
He is not the only to blame after all. If no one did what he did over the years, DSB would have
died even sooner.

Seriel Killer
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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Seriel Killer »

I'd like to see it as, if somebody like Entr0py would have replaced him sooner, maybe DSB would have had 70 population today.

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Starpo »

Seriel Killer wrote:I'd like to see it as, if somebody like Entr0py would have replaced him sooner, maybe DSB would have had 70 population today.
It's still a 15 year old game. You can't forever keep this alive. Noone knows how it would've been without for example Hoch. Maybe DSB wouldn't have even existed if Hoch didnt step in. You can't blame it all on one person. He put in effort, that's alot more than most of the rest of dsb.

It's easy blaming it on one person, but take a look at yourself first. What did you do to help DSB (and SS overall) and could you have done better? Could you have put in more effort? If the answer is anything but no, you have no right to blame anyone for the death of dsb and ss in general.

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Tembest »

Starpo wrote:He put in effort, that's alot more than most of the rest of dsb.
And $$$$$, if all of us put 1/10 what he did, DSB would have that 100 players.

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Tembest »

We should turn SS into a money game.

Registration fees to leagues, then you could win money from those. Duel tournaments for cash and simple dueling, challenging to duels for money, money events etc.

That's when people would start playing. =)

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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by CyberSee »

People seem to forget that the game is more or less dead anyway. What Hoch did was just speed the inevitable up.

And really poeple should not have such hard feelings a 15 year old game.

Seriel Killer
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Re: Yo yo yo... sup...

Post by Seriel Killer »

Starpo wrote: It's easy blaming it on one person, but take a look at yourself first. What did you do to help DSB (and SS overall) and could you have done better? Could you have put in more effort? If the answer is anything but no, you have no right to blame anyone for the death of dsb and ss in general.
I look at all the people that wanted to contribute but turned down because of the bad management led by him.

I look at the people that got banned by him, including me, so he can extort information out of them.

You have no idea how much I (and others) have tried to help and it all went down the drain because of him so please...

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